Students receive a foundational education in the Catholic faith. It is the school’s mission to guide students to understand the “Truth” of life. The school instills this message through the following areas:
Each week the school gathers to share in the “table of our Lord.” Mass time is special for all students. Students attend Mass twice a week. Once just with the school students, and once with the Holy Trinity Parish community.

Sacramental Preparation is part of our school curriculum. We follow the ‘new order’ when it comes to preparation.
- 2nd grade First Reconciliation
- 3rd grade First Eucharist and Confirmation
Prayer in School
Prayer is integral in the Catholic Worldview of education and at Bl. Miguel Pro Catholic Academy. Whether student or administration led, our school takes time to pray the prayer of Bl. Miguel Pro, the saint of the day, the Pledge of Allegiance, the school’s mission, and student pledge. Once COVID restrictions are lifted we will share this time together as a school.
All teachers share prayer with their students during the classroom day. Some of these prayers include: before a test, before lunch, for sadness within the classroom, and a prayer for the worries and desires of the class. Prayer is a conversation with God. It is our goal that our students are comfortable talking with God anytime or anywhere.

Part of Bl. Miguel Pro’s mission is to create Disciples of Christ. The Archdiocese of Denver developed a framework for discipleship that the school follows and reviews constantly. This is a dynamic framework. Our staff spends many professional development moments bringing this framework alive in our school.