Along the top of the design is “¡Viva Cristo Rey!” or “Long live Christ the King!” — which were the last words Pro uttered before he was executed for being a Catholic priest and serving his flock. A self-aware Bl. Miguel Pro student shouts in harmony with Pro these same words daily!

The crown is a representative of Christ’s royal authority, the King of Kings. When placed above a Latin cross it can also symbolize eternal life solidifying the Bl. Miguel Pro Catholic Academy’s vision for all students – heaven. Bl. Miguel boldly proclaimed Christ as King above all.

At the center of the logo is a cross drawn with the particular style of Christian crosses made in Mexico which honors Bl. Miguel Pro’s heritage and also represents the crucifix he held in one hand as he was executed for his faith. The classic shield conveys the symbol of protection, durability and strength, and represents Pro’s courage to stand up for his faith, even to the point of death.

Along the sides and bottom of the shield are ten beads representing the rosary which faithful Bl. Miguel Pro students recite often. Before Miguel Pro’s execution, he raised his arms in imitation of Christ with his rosary in one hand and a crucifix in the other. Our students see this vision and commit themselves to a life of faithfulness.

Our Logo